Feedback on the impact of the CounterPunch program from Students, Teachers, School principals, Psychologists, Adult participants and Parents has been extremely positive.
“CounterPunch saved my Life.”
Ash: Participant in the first ever CP Program in 2011/12
“It came across as a lot more motivating than other stuff. It made me more determined to achieve my goals.”
Kody: CP participant and National Junior Bull Riding champion 2013
“ Great for my focus and confidence. Taught me self-discipline. It helped me in pretty much everything at school when I moved interstate.”
Connor: CP participant
“ It gave me skills for day-to-day life. I now understand that if I take a certain path it has a consequence, but I now know that I have the power to choose the consequence by choosing the path. I am in control.”
Trey: CP Young Leader program and 2014 National Junior Boxing champion
“CounterPunch has been a valuable addition to our student learning and wellbeing. Students are motivated and have developed some really positive decision-making skills at school, at home and in the community.”
Sarah: School Principal
“ I was really impressed with the delivery. I availed of the professional learning and have found it invaluable to me as a teacher. I continue to implement this learning at school on a daily basis.”
Reg: Teacher
“ I love the evidence-based nature of the program and the ease with which it can be built into students’ educational programs (or company protocols). The individual benefit for participants far exceeded my expectations. As a school we have seen reduced suspensions, increased attendance, improved social and emotional wellbeing and improved interpersonal relationships, both at home and at school. Counterpunch has become a core element of our school-wide wellbeing program that has proven effective in all aspects of students’ lives.”
Beth: School Psychologist
“ As an adult participant, I have witnessed and experienced the positive outcomes that CounterPunch encourages and provides. I achieved my goals, both fitness and personal.”
Lloyd: Adult participant 2014
“ As a parent, I highly recommend CounterPunch. As an army member, my son has had to change schools and peer groups regularly, as we have moved from post to post. CounterPunch came at a great time for my son. It was a great boost for him and reinforced his respect for self and others. His fitness, strength and self-confidence grew weekly, and this transferred into other areas in his life. My son accredits CounterPunch with having set him up for his current school and sporting endeavours and life in general.”
Scott: Parent
“ CounterPunch changed my son’s life completely. It has increased his self-esteem hugely, helped him overcome anxiety and fear, and exhibit tolerance and empathy. He has ceased all medications and counselling, obtained his driver’s license and is making a key contribution to his family and community”
Keith: Parent
“Just wanted to share the impact of your two-hour CounterPunch presentation with us. Everyone has incorporated something of what you presented into their own training. They just love what you presented and talk about it often. Thanks again.”
Jan: Boxing coach
“ I have been involved with the Counterpunch program for the last four years. During this time I have seen the growth in the students in their attitude and decision making. The practical section of Counterpunch was easy for the students to understand, as it was explained using language that the students could identify. I have had numerous parents comment on the positive change that they have noticed in their child and accredit Counterpunch to their change in behaviour”.
Karen: Student liaison officer